· Dry skin is thinner and has less collagene and elastics fibers, so it becomes shrivelled much more easily.
It is more vulnerable to external factors that cause dehydratation and premature loss of firmess and brightness, especially if it is exposed a lot to the sun.
Muscles around the dry skin of the eyes and mouth also promote wrinckles and the appearance of crow’s feet, perioral wrinkles and nasolabial folds, especially for smokers.
The positive point is that these wrinkles usually are thinner and more superficial than the ones in oily skin and pores are nearly imperceptible.
· Oily skin used to be thicker so it takes longer for the first wrinkles to appear and it fights better against external agressions.
On the contrary, it has more open pores and can be extremely shining.
It is thicker than dry skin and it has more weight so it becomes easily flabby. Furthermore when wrinkles appear, they are are deeper and it is more complicated to fix them.