The oxidative stress is the imbalance betwen free radicals that damage our skin and antioxidants that help to regenerate cells.
There are different kinds of free radicals (for example smoking or solar radiation) that, acting on the cells and body tissue, provoking oxidation and causing damage in their internal structure and bad running function, trigger aging.
Vitamin E is the most protective vitamin because of its powerful antioxidants. It prevents the destructive action of free radicals.
It provides hydratation to the skin improving its appearance. Moreover, the vitamin E prevents erythema and sunburns. Thanks to its calming action, it is included in aftersun cares. Also, it compliments the sunscreen formulas so it helps even more to delay the aging causes by sun radiation.
Vitamin E usually is combined with vitamin C to multiply its effects.
It is possible to apply the vitamin C topically, straight on the skin, to reduce the effects of aging and to stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers. All that improves firmness, prevents new spots and give brightness to the skin.
The keys
· Stop smoking as it depletes the reserves of vitamin C, which is basic to maintain the moisture of the skin in order to avoid wrinkles.
· Keep away from the sun radiation to be safe from spots, wrinkles, flabby skin…. or worse, skin cancer.
Otherwise, it is good to be under the sun at least 10 minutes a day (no more to avoid the bad effects of the sun on the skin) but without sunscreen to help it produce vitamin D. This vitamin is fundamental to set calcium and phosphor in the bones and to prevent osteoporosis.
Another interesting point is that this exposure will have a very possitve action in the self-esteem because it activatess a neurotransmitter called serotonin that causes general wellness.
· Do some sport to activate blood circulation that oxygenizes it and eliminate toxins from the organism.
· Sleep enough to give to your body time to regenerate its cells, replacing the old ones for new ones.
· Eat a balanced diet to obtain all the necessary elements to keep our health in the best conditions. That will be reflected in our skin.
· Hydratation. It is fundamental to drink a mínimum of 2 litres of water a day and apply moisturazing cream every time the skin is cleaned.
· Avoid extreme cold and heat that produce skin dehydratation. If that is not possible, extra hydration and / or nutrition is fundamental.
Sudden temperature changes or alcohol trigger the dilation of blood vessels which gradually lose their elasticity and became difficult to return to their natural state. This situation can cause permanent redness on cheeks and nose.
· Keep stress away as much as possible. Techniques such as meditation and relaxation are key once a day. The signs of stress on the skin and face are accentuation of wrinkles between the eyebrows and lips, also redness, eczema, blemish, etc.
Your skin is now in your hands!